![Short Courses & Workshops](/images/courses/3yr-ba/shortcoursesweb_32123e85ac9f638f134c442baab67cba.jpg)
Short Courses and Workshops
stdClass Object ( [id] => 260 [asset_id] => 513 [title] => Short Courses and Workshops [alias] => short-courses [introtext] =>ALRA offers a selection of short courses and workshops throughout the year in a range of subjects such as voice, movement and Shakespeare. They are run by approved partners and ALRA tutors and range in length from hours to weeks.
[fulltext] =>Due to COVID-19, the courses below have been postponed until further notice. Keep an eye on this page and our social media for further information.
{loadmoduleid 884}
What sort of acting class are you looking for?
If you are interested in short courses at ALRA or are looking for specific classes, please get in touch with us and let us know. We are always happy to hear suggestions for our programme and would like to offer bespoke and interesting courses for actors and directors at every stage of their career, from initial training tasters to professional masterclasses, ongoing career refresher classes and support workshops.
Are you a practitioner with a short course to offer?
If you are a teacher or arts practitioner with expertise to offer ALRA, please send a proposal to us with an outline of timings, costs and references so that we might consider including it in our programme.
Past Short Courses and Workshops
Short courses previously offered at ALRA have included:
[state] => 1 [catid] => 8 [created] => 2015-03-05 00:00:06 [created_by] => 668 [created_by_alias] => [modified] => 2020-12-08 14:53:06 [modified_by] => 1845 [checked_out] => 1845 [checked_out_time] => 2020-07-22 15:12:00 [publish_up] => 2017-09-13 23:00:06 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [images] => {"image_intro":"images\/courses\/3yr-ba\/shortcoursesweb_32123e85ac9f638f134c442baab67cba.jpg","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"Short Courses & Workshops","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"images\/courses\/3yr-ba\/shortcoursesweb_32123e85ac9f638f134c442baab67cba.jpg","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"Short Courses & Workshops","image_fulltext_caption":""} [urls] => {"urla":false,"urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":false,"urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":false,"urlctext":"","targetc":""} [attribs] => {"article_layout":"it_milano:courses","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":""} [version] => 81 [ordering] => 6 [metakey] => [metadesc] => [access] => 1 [hits] => 46261 [metadata] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [robots] => [author] => [rights] => [xreference] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [featured] => 1 [language] => * [xreference] => [category_title] => Courses [category_alias] => courses [category_access] => 1 [author] => Super User [parent_title] => ROOT [parent_id] => 1 [parent_route] => [parent_alias] => root [rating] => [rating_count] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [article_layout] => _:default [show_title] => 1 [link_titles] => 0 [show_intro] => 1 [info_block_position] => 0 [info_block_show_title] => 1 [show_category] => 0 [link_category] => 0 [show_parent_category] => 0 [link_parent_category] => 0 [show_associations] => 0 [flags] => 1 [show_author] => 0 [link_author] => 0 [show_create_date] => 0 [show_modify_date] => 0 [show_publish_date] => 0 [show_item_navigation] => 0 [show_vote] => 0 [show_readmore] => 1 [show_readmore_title] => 1 [readmore_limit] => 100 [show_tags] => 1 [show_icons] => 0 [show_print_icon] => 0 [show_email_icon] => 0 [show_hits] => 0 [show_noauth] => 0 [urls_position] => 0 [captcha] => [show_publishing_options] => 1 [show_article_options] => 1 [save_history] => 1 [history_limit] => 4 [show_urls_images_frontend] => 1 [show_urls_images_backend] => 1 [targeta] => 0 [targetb] => 0 [targetc] => 0 [float_intro] => left [float_fulltext] => none [category_layout] => _:blog [show_category_heading_title_text] => 1 [show_category_title] => 0 [show_description] => 0 [show_description_image] => 0 [maxLevel] => 1 [show_empty_categories] => 0 [show_no_articles] => 1 [show_subcat_desc] => 1 [show_cat_num_articles] => 0 [show_cat_tags] => 1 [show_base_description] => 1 [maxLevelcat] => -1 [show_empty_categories_cat] => 0 [show_subcat_desc_cat] => 1 [show_cat_num_articles_cat] => 1 [num_leading_articles] => 0 [num_intro_articles] => 4 [num_columns] => 2 [num_links] => 4 [multi_column_order] => 0 [show_subcategory_content] => 0 [show_pagination_limit] => 1 [filter_field] => hide [show_headings] => 1 [list_show_date] => 0 [date_format] => [list_show_hits] => 1 [list_show_author] => 1 [list_show_votes] => 0 [list_show_ratings] => 0 [orderby_pri] => order [orderby_sec] => rdate [order_date] => published [show_pagination] => 2 [show_pagination_results] => 1 [show_featured] => show [show_feed_link] => 0 [feed_summary] => 0 [feed_show_readmore] => 0 [sef_advanced] => 0 [sef_ids] => 0 [custom_fields_enable] => 1 [show_page_heading] => 0 [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [page_title] => Drama Courses, Workshops & Summers Classes | ALRA [page_heading] => Short Acting Courses & Workshops [pageclass_sfx] => a-courses courses-pages-heading [menu-meta_description] => Throughout the year ALRA manages a selection of short courses and workshops. Click here for the latest offering. [menu-meta_keywords] => Short Courses & Workshops, [secure] => 0 [page_description] => ALRA is a drama school based in London and Wigan, our training includes PG acting, foundation in acting, MA acting courses and BA in acting (Hons) degree [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [tagLayout] => Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout Object ( [layoutId:protected] => joomla.content.tags [basePath:protected] => [fullPath:protected] => [includePaths:protected] => Array ( ) [options:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [component] => com_content [client] => 0 ) [initialized:protected] => [separator] => . ) [data:protected] => Array ( ) [debugMessages:protected] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 260:short-courses [catslug] => 8:courses [parent_slug] => [readmore_link] => /courses/short-courses [text] =>
- Preparing for drama school auditions
- Robert Linklater Voice Workshops
- Shakespeare – An Introduction
- Yoga for Actors
- Yellow Earth Academy
- Accent Masterclasses
- Summer Schools for young actors
- Acting for Film and TV
- One Week Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- Two Weeks Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- British Youth Film Academy summer project
- Character Voice Workshop
- Linklater Evening Voice Workshops
ALRA offers a selection of short courses and workshops throughout the year in a range of subjects such as voice, movement and Shakespeare. They are run by approved partners and ALRA tutors and range in length from hours to weeks.
Due to COVID-19, the courses below have been postponed until further notice. Keep an eye on this page and our social media for further information.
Miller Voice Work with Kristi Dana
The Miller Voice Method (MVM) integrates intention with breath in order to build a flexible, responsive and resilient voice through movement, thought, emotional life and point of view.Alexander Technique with Natacha Osoiro
In this workshop, you will be reconnected with the principles of the Alexander Technique and then apply that technique to spoken voice work.What sort of acting class are you looking for?
If you are interested in short courses at ALRA or are looking for specific classes, please get in touch with us and let us know. We are always happy to hear suggestions for our programme and would like to offer bespoke and interesting courses for actors and directors at every stage of their career, from initial training tasters to professional masterclasses, ongoing career refresher classes and support workshops.
Are you a practitioner with a short course to offer?
If you are a teacher or arts practitioner with expertise to offer ALRA, please send a proposal to us with an outline of timings, costs and references so that we might consider including it in our programme.
Past Short Courses and Workshops
Short courses previously offered at ALRA have included:
[tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [jcfields] => Array ( [33] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 33 [title] => Awarding Body Title [name] => aw-bd-title [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:39:44 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 18 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [options] => stdClass Object ( [options0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Awarding Body [value] => 1 ) ) ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => cf-label aw-bd-title [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => checkboxes [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Awarding Body Title [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 34 [title] => Vimeo Video [name] => vimeo-video [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-08-15 08:57:58 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 19 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [width] => 100% [height] => 360 [autoplay] => 0 [loop] => 0 [title] => 1 [byline] => 1 [portrait] => 0 [color] => #56a248 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => [display] => 0 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => acfvimeo [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Vimeo Video [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => https://vimeo.com/353751705 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [title] => Course Leader [name] => course-leader [checked_out] => 668 [checked_out_time] => 2019-08-01 14:26:37 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:38:06 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 34 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Course Leader [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => Super User [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [title] => Course Location [name] => course-location [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:39:44 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 50 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [options] => stdClass Object ( [options0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Wandsworth (London) [value] => 1 ) [options1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Wigan (Greater Manchester) [value] => 2 ) ) ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => checkboxes [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Course Location [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [title] => Study Level [name] => study-level [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:40:46 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 51 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Study Level [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5 [title] => Study Mode [name] => study-mode [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:41:05 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 52 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Study Mode [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 6 [title] => Course Length [name] => course-length [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:41:18 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 53 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 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[initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 1 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 2 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Application [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 13 [title] => Awarding Body Logo [name] => awarding-body-logo [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-06-03 10:06:22 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 56 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) [initialized:protected] => [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => acfmodule [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Awarding Body Logo [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [title] => Awarding Body [name] => awarding-body [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:58:23 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 57 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => align-left [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Awarding Body [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 11 [title] => Validated from [name] => validated-from [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:58:46 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 58 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => align-left [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => cf-label hidden-cf-label [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Validated From [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 12 [title] => APPLY NOW [name] => apply-now [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 15:22:57 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 59 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) [initialized:protected] => [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => center [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => [display] => 3 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => acfmodule [default_value] => Apply Now button (courses page) [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => APPLY NOW [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => Apply Now button (courses page) ) ) [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) )
- Preparing for drama school auditions
- Robert Linklater Voice Workshops
- Shakespeare – An Introduction
- Yoga for Actors
- Yellow Earth Academy
- Accent Masterclasses
- Summer Schools for young actors
- Acting for Film and TV
- One Week Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- Two Weeks Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- British Youth Film Academy summer project
- Character Voice Workshop
- Linklater Evening Voice Workshops
ALRA offers a selection of short courses and workshops throughout the year in a range of subjects such as voice, movement and Shakespeare. They are run by approved partners and ALRA tutors and range in length from hours to weeks.
Due to COVID-19, the courses below have been postponed until further notice. Keep an eye on this page and our social media for further information.
Miller Voice Work with Kristi Dana
Alexander Technique with Natacha Osoiro
What sort of acting class are you looking for?
If you are interested in short courses at ALRA or are looking for specific classes, please get in touch with us and let us know. We are always happy to hear suggestions for our programme and would like to offer bespoke and interesting courses for actors and directors at every stage of their career, from initial training tasters to professional masterclasses, ongoing career refresher classes and support workshops.
Are you a practitioner with a short course to offer?
If you are a teacher or arts practitioner with expertise to offer ALRA, please send a proposal to us with an outline of timings, costs and references so that we might consider including it in our programme.
Past Short Courses and Workshops
Short courses previously offered at ALRA have included:
- Preparing for drama school auditions
- Robert Linklater Voice Workshops
- Shakespeare – An Introduction
- Yoga for Actors
- Yellow Earth Academy
- Accent Masterclasses
- Summer Schools for young actors
- Acting for Film and TV
- One Week Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- Two Weeks Acting Intensive | TV/ Radio/ Stage
- British Youth Film Academy summer project
- Character Voice Workshop
- Linklater Evening Voice Workshops