Introducing Psychological Gesture and Atmosphere - Michael Chekhov Technique
stdClass Object ( [id] => 964 [asset_id] => 1715 [title] => Introducing Psychological Gesture and Atmosphere - Michael Chekhov Technique [alias] => introducing-psychological-gesture-and-atmosphere-michael-chekhov-technique [introtext] =>Joerg will explore Michael Chekhov’s approach to atmosphere and psychological gesture by introducing participants to the notion of movement and sensation and the fundamentals of approaching ease, form, beauty and entirety in their acting work.
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September
(10am to 4pm both days including breaks.)Course Leader
Joerg Andrees (Michael Chekhov International Academy - MCIA)
Stage and film director, performer and tutor Joerg Andrees is regarded globally as one of the foremost exponents of the Michael Chekhov Method and we are delighted to have him on board. Having initially trained in his native Germany as a film director with Heiner Carow he proceeded to train in the Michael Chekhov Method in New York with Ted Pugh and Fern Sloan.
Subsequently he has tutored and directed successfully worldwide employing the unique features of this most distinctive method. In 1992 Joerg and a colleague established the first International Michael Chekhov Conference (IMCC) in Berlin (and again in 1995). Thus began what was to become a world wide and highly acclaimed Michael Chekhov Acting Movement.
Joerg is the co-founder and tutor at the Michael Tschechow Studio Berlin and tutors at the Alfred Schnittke Akademie, Hamburg. He is a member of the teaching board of MICHA (Michael Chekhov Association) in New York and a member of MCE (Michael Chekhov Europe).
Joerg's work has frequently taken him to Ireland to the Michael Chekhov Studio Dublin and the Gormanston Drama Summer School (Stageworks).
As founder of the Michael Chekhov International Academy (MCIA) since 2012, he leads the Intensive Training Programme in the Chekhov Technique which progresses towards the Michael Chekhov Technique Teacher Certification (
This course is hosted at ALRA South's facilities, The Royal Victoria Patriotic Building. For further info on our location, please click on the below image.
To know how the best solution to reach our facility in London, please click here or use the below map.
£150.00 - 2 day workshop
If booking more than one Workshop in the Summer 2017 series ALRA will issue a refund of £75 for each additional booking. (Therefore you can attend all three workshops for £300 or two for £225. Refunds will be applied after booking.)
ALRA students and Alumni £75.00 for one workshop, £125.00 for two and £150.00 to attend all three - please apply directly to ALRA
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Learn the fundamentals of approaching ease, form and beauty in the acting work. [menu-meta_keywords] => Michael Checkhov Technique workshop, Psychological Gesture and Atmosphere workshop, [secure] => 0 [page_description] => ALRA is a drama school based in London and Wigan, our training includes PG acting, foundation in acting, MA acting courses and BA in acting (Hons) degree [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [tagLayout] => Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout Object ( [layoutId:protected] => joomla.content.tags [basePath:protected] => [fullPath:protected] => [includePaths:protected] => Array ( ) [options:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [component] => com_content [client] => 0 ) [initialized:protected] => [separator] => . ) [data:protected] => Array ( ) [debugMessages:protected] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 964:introducing-psychological-gesture-and-atmosphere-michael-chekhov-technique [catslug] => 161:archive [parent_slug] => 29:short-courses [readmore_link] => /courses/short-courses/archive/psychological-gesture-atmosphere-michael-chekhov-workshop [text] =>Joerg will explore Michael Chekhov’s approach to atmosphere and psychological gesture by introducing participants to the notion of movement and sensation and the fundamentals of approaching ease, form, beauty and entirety in their acting work.
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September
(10am to 4pm both days including breaks.)Course Leader
Joerg Andrees (Michael Chekhov International Academy - MCIA)
Stage and film director, performer and tutor Joerg Andrees is regarded globally as one of the foremost exponents of the Michael Chekhov Method and we are delighted to have him on board. Having initially trained in his native Germany as a film director with Heiner Carow he proceeded to train in the Michael Chekhov Method in New York with Ted Pugh and Fern Sloan.
Subsequently he has tutored and directed successfully worldwide employing the unique features of this most distinctive method. In 1992 Joerg and a colleague established the first International Michael Chekhov Conference (IMCC) in Berlin (and again in 1995). Thus began what was to become a world wide and highly acclaimed Michael Chekhov Acting Movement.
Joerg is the co-founder and tutor at the Michael Tschechow Studio Berlin and tutors at the Alfred Schnittke Akademie, Hamburg. He is a member of the teaching board of MICHA (Michael Chekhov Association) in New York and a member of MCE (Michael Chekhov Europe).
Joerg's work has frequently taken him to Ireland to the Michael Chekhov Studio Dublin and the Gormanston Drama Summer School (Stageworks).
As founder of the Michael Chekhov International Academy (MCIA) since 2012, he leads the Intensive Training Programme in the Chekhov Technique which progresses towards the Michael Chekhov Technique Teacher Certification (
This course is hosted at ALRA South's facilities, The Royal Victoria Patriotic Building. For further info on our location, please click on the below image.
To know how the best solution to reach our facility in London, please click here or use the below map.
£150.00 - 2 day workshop
If booking more than one Workshop in the Summer 2017 series ALRA will issue a refund of £75 for each additional booking. (Therefore you can attend all three workshops for £300 or two for £225. Refunds will be applied after booking.)
ALRA students and Alumni £75.00 for one workshop, £125.00 for two and £150.00 to attend all three - please apply directly to ALRA
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Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => align-left [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => cf-label [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => text [default_value] => [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => Awarding Body [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 11 [title] => Validated from [name] => validated-from [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 14:58:46 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 58 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [filter] => [maxlength] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => align-left [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => cf-label hidden-cf-label [display] => 1 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 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=> [state] => 1 [access] => 1 [created_time] => 2019-04-30 15:22:57 [created_user_id] => 668 [ordering] => 59 [language] => * [fieldparams] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) [initialized:protected] => [separator] => . ) [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [hint] => [class] => [label_class] => [show_on] => [render_class] => center [showlabel] => 0 [label_render_class] => [display] => 3 [layout] => [display_readonly] => 2 [assignmentMatchingMethod] => and [assign_menu] => 0 [assign_menu_param_noitem] => 0 [assign_menu_param_inc_children] => 0 [assign_urls] => 0 [assign_urls_list] => [assign_urls_param_regex] => 0 [assign_datetime] => 0 [assign_datetime_param_publish_up] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_datetime_param_publish_down] => 2019-01-12 06:00:00 [assign_usergroups] => 0 [assign_devices] => 0 [assign_referrer] => 0 [assign_referrer_list] => [assign_lang] => 0 [assign_php] => 0 [assign_php_list] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [type] => acfmodule [default_value] => Apply Now button (courses page) [context] => com_content.article [group_id] => 2 [label] => APPLY NOW [description] => [required] => 0 [language_title] => [language_image] => [editor] => [access_level] => Public [author_name] => Super User [group_title] => Classes [group_access] => 1 [group_state] => 1 [group_note] => [value] => [rawvalue] => Apply Now button (courses page) ) ) [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) )
Joerg will explore Michael Chekhov’s approach to atmosphere and psychological gesture by introducing participants to the notion of movement and sensation and the fundamentals of approaching ease, form, beauty and entirety in their acting work.
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September
(10am to 4pm both days including breaks.)
Course Leader
Joerg Andrees (Michael Chekhov International Academy - MCIA)
Stage and film director, performer and tutor Joerg Andrees is regarded globally as one of the foremost exponents of the Michael Chekhov Method and we are delighted to have him on board. Having initially trained in his native Germany as a film director with Heiner Carow he proceeded to train in the Michael Chekhov Method in New York with Ted Pugh and Fern Sloan.
Subsequently he has tutored and directed successfully worldwide employing the unique features of this most distinctive method. In 1992 Joerg and a colleague established the first International Michael Chekhov Conference (IMCC) in Berlin (and again in 1995). Thus began what was to become a world wide and highly acclaimed Michael Chekhov Acting Movement.
Joerg is the co-founder and tutor at the Michael Tschechow Studio Berlin and tutors at the Alfred Schnittke Akademie, Hamburg. He is a member of the teaching board of MICHA (Michael Chekhov Association) in New York and a member of MCE (Michael Chekhov Europe).
Joerg's work has frequently taken him to Ireland to the Michael Chekhov Studio Dublin and the Gormanston Drama Summer School (Stageworks).
As founder of the Michael Chekhov International Academy (MCIA) since 2012, he leads the Intensive Training Programme in the Chekhov Technique which progresses towards the Michael Chekhov Technique Teacher Certification (
This course is hosted at ALRA South's facilities, The Royal Victoria Patriotic Building. For further info on our location, please click on the below image.
To know how the best solution to reach our facility in London, please click here or use the below map.
£150.00 - 2 day workshop
If booking more than one Workshop in the Summer 2017 series ALRA will issue a refund of £75 for each additional booking. (Therefore you can attend all three workshops for £300 or two for £225. Refunds will be applied after booking.)
ALRA students and Alumni £75.00 for one workshop, £125.00 for two and £150.00 to attend all three - please apply directly to ALRA