Job Vacancies
Join our team!
ALRA is staffed by a small team of brilliant people in our two campuses at Wandsworth, London and Wigan, Greater Manchester. ALRA graduates can be found in all aspects of the performing and creative industries in the UK and internationally, and our resident and freelance staff are immensely proud of their achievements.
Our dedicated, creative, passionate and highly skilled staff are a tight-knit group who care deeply about providing the very best possible experience for the students.
We always welcome submissions from teachers, practitioners and specialists who can enrich the students' experience. We also have an excellent behind-the-scenes team who keep all of the various production, admissions, administration, estates, compliance and resources functions working every day.
ALRA encourages applications from candidates from a range of ethnicities, sexualities, faiths, genders, and bodies. As an institution, we are committed to providing our students with teaching-artists they can aspire to from the many intersections of our society.
Please check this page for the latest vacancies. To apply, please submit a copy of your CV and a covering letter (no more than 2 pages) outlining your interest and suitability for the role. Please review the job description and person specifications before applying. Applications or any questions can be submitted to
ALRA may close applications early in the event of receiving a large volume of suitable applications.
In addition to paid roles, ALRA actively seeks volunteer Trustees to join our board. Please find the full information here.
Trustee (Volunteer)
Salary: Unpaid (expenses to attend meetings can be covered)
Join our board of Trustees and help us give our students the exceptional training their talent deserves. The Trustees are directors of ALRA for the purposes of company law and are legally responsible for corporate governance and for the overall management and control of the charity, and they meet on average three times a year.
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Salary: Competitive
Hours: 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE)
Campus: ALRA North or South
ALRA are seeking a COO who will make a significant contribution to the strategic direction and decision making across the full range of institutional activity, working with the Senior Leadership Team to develop the ten-year strategic plan. This is not a figurehead role, but it is someone who will secure the business function of the organisation, understand Higher Education (HE) compliance, and most importantly will hold the financial direction of the Academy at the core of their remit. The COO forms the beating heart of ALRA and will oversee the strategic management of Estates and the Operational life of the campuses by developing and implementing effective cultures of communication. It is essential that candidates have a professional qualification (CCAB or equivalent) in Finance.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
MA Acting Course Leader
Salary: £32-£38k
Hours: 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE)
Campus: ALRA South
The MA Course Leader is responsible for day-to-day management of the MA Professional Acting in collaboration with the Head of Embodiment, Head of Live and Recorded Performance and Associate Dean. Duties include teaching and assessment tasks alongside the scheduling and managing of freelance tutors to deliver this 15-month course, as well as some pastoral support for students.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
MA Directing Course Leader x2
Salary: £32-£38k
Hours: 16 hours per week including 0.75 days of teaching (0.4 FTE)
Campus: ALRA North and South
The MA Directing Course Leader is responsible for the overall management of MA Directing course in either the North or South campus. However, if a candidate is interested in covering both roles they should clearly state this in their cover letter along with the rationale behind how they will manage this. Duties include the engagement and management of freelance Artists and Tutors in collaboration with the HR Manager and the Head of Academic Services and working with the Associate Dean and Head of Academic Services to timetable classes and assessments.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
Foundation Acting Course Leader
Salary: £24-£28k
Hours: 32 hours per week (0.8 FTE)
Campus: ALRA South
Foundation Acting Course Leader at ALRA South is tasked with maintaining and developing the Foundation programme, teaching/facilitating the course, offering individual tutorials and pastoral care to students, recruiting and managing freelance tutors as needed and liaising with the Head of Foundation at ALRA North to ensure parity across the organisation.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
Principal and Artistic Director
Salary: £70k
Hours: 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE)
Campus: ALRA North and South
We are looking for an inspiring, talented and vastly knowledgeable individual who will unify our staff and students around a mission and vision which builds upon the existing strengths and past successes of the school and reflects ALRA's artistic values. The successful candidate will lead the strategic development of ALRA and the implement key objectives, as agreed with the Board of Trustees. This varied and important role will guide the organisation through the ever-evolving landscapes of conservatoire training and the performing arts.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
Resident Production and Technical Manager
Salary: £25-£30k
Hours: 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE). Some evening and weekend working as required with time off in lieu as accrued.
Campus: ALRA South
Our Resident Production and Technical Manager acts as Production Manager for all ALRA South productions and we would ideally expect them to take on the role of sound designer for ALRA productions.
Closing dates for applications 31st July. However, we may close earlier if there is a high volume of applications.
Job Description and Person Specification
Before confirmation of appointment, all staff (teaching and support) who apply to work or volunteer at ALRA, will be subject to a rigorous recruitment process to ensure as far as possible their suitability to work with students. References will be taken up and they will be required to give evidence of their qualifications and details of their previous experience and work history. Their identity will also be checked. As part of this recruitment process all potential staff will be required to declare any criminal record. Enhanced DBS checks will be undertaken for all staff. ALRA will inform the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) of any individuals they consider to have caused harm or posed a threat of harm to children or vulnerable adults.